
火花; A special edition podcast series brought to you by 亚洲体育博彩平台 和 世界气候论坛

来自苏格兰的清洁能源创新, 到迪拜的可持续建筑, 我们将采访全球环保领袖, 金融家, 和企业家们讨论政策, investments 和 innovations that are accelerating our progress towards a resilient 和 sustainable world. Our podcast hopes to educate 和 inspire, sparking real conversations with the intention to 合作. 行为. 提交. 为了真正的改变.


Each episode will have our two subject matter experts 和 senior leaders co-hosting together - 亚洲体育博彩平台’  VP for Global 可持续性 佐伊Haseman 和 延斯•尼尔森, 世界气候基金会首席执行官. Joining them in these critical conversations will be our honoured guests 和 global thought leaders.

Come with us as we take you on a journey around the world to explore how different countries are tackling their climate challenges, 激发想法和灵感.






佐伊Haseman 是副总统, 雅各布斯的全球可持续发展,并领导可持续发展和环境, 社会, 以及公司治理(ESG)战略方向和交付. 作为可持续发展主管,她拥有20年的国际经验, 跨公共领域工作, 私营及创业界别. 自2018年重新加入雅各布斯以来, 佐伊领导创立了亚洲体育博彩平台的首个全球可持续发展战略 PlanBeyond ——而且雄心勃勃 首页.

亚洲体育博彩平台 is now a carbon neutral company 和 uses 100% renewable energy for its operations 和 业务 travel, 承诺到2030年实现碳负排放. 2020年,雅各布斯被列入 道琼斯可持续发展指数-北美 第一次. Zoe is a member of the UK Business in the Community Net Zero Task force 和 sits on the Senior 咨询 Group for the World Economic Forum’s Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders.



延斯•尼尔森, 世界气候基金会创始人兼首席执行官, 是一位常驻哥本哈根的全球高管, 丹麦. He has worked in more than 20 countries performing strategy work for some of the largest corporations in the world. 世界气候基金会 is an impact-oriented organization that works with inspiring leaders from government, 业务, 金融机构, 民间社会组织建立韧性, enabling the necessary transformation that addresses both the climate change 和 biodiversity crises. 通过它的合作, high-level network the 世界气候基金会 identifies 和 accelerates cross-sector implementation of markets, 技术, 和政策, 按规定的规模, 实现改变. 世界气候基金会 is hosting or co-hosting several impact platforms such as the 世界气候论坛, 气候投资联盟, 以及世界生物多样性峰会.

  • 世界气候论坛

    世界气候基金会, 世界气候论坛系列会议和世界气候峰会的召集人, 很荣幸能与雅各布斯共同主持斯帕克斯播客系列节目, 他们有编辑责任. 促进向净零排放经济的过渡, 世界气候基金会 welcomes partnership opportunities in collaborating on thought leadership activities.

  • 亚洲体育博彩平台


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